J | O | U | R | N | A | L | E | N | T | R | I | E | S |
The following passages are from three years of email posts I'd made to individuals and a growing list of pod-minded people that has formed around this Cetacean Nation initiative since the first of the NEW Millennium [01.01.00 begins on archive page for 2000]. It reads from the most recent posts first as an ongoing dialogue related to human-cetacean issues and consciousness evolution. Please enjoy. I have since created Dolphinville.com as a means to continue this information flow and invite you join us there. Meanwhile,
Be Well and Swim Free,
~ dolphinus
Quick archival references for this page: [click a date]1.27.02 / 3.05.02 / 3.06.02 / 3.15.02 / 3.19.02 / 3.20.02 / 6.15.02 / 6.18.02 / 6.30.02 / 7.18.02 / 8.25.02 / 9.07.02 / 9.17.02 / 10.07.02 / 11.06.02 /
Aloha Dean,
A "scientist" that comes to mind is Dr. Ryan Demares who did her thesis work on the affects of dolphins on humans as part of assisted therapy programs. There are also a few places in the Florida Keys like Dolphin Plus and the Dolphin Research Center and others using such therapy with captive dolphins that have gathered a body of material over the past twenty years. Just as with almost all dolphin research material gathered over the past fifty years, their findings are disputed by various camps. You should be able to find them with little trouble and make your own evaluation. Also, I know that "AquaThought" had a facility right in Ft. Myers back in the late 90s with progressive technology and information, but I don't know what's happened to them. You're in Naples, right? I met Randy Wells of the Mote Inst. in Sarasota a while back and he seemed like a sensitive guy who was open to the subtle realms of the dolphin experience, but still acted in accordance with conventional wisdom to retain his job status. Probably many others such as he out there who can't afford to be quoted. Eh?Seems like the scientific establishment has managed to paint themselves into a corner on these types of issues. The HeadBrain dictating reality over and above the HeartMind. It's been going on for over three thousand years, so breaking down the walls of linear constructs requires going outside the 'box' into the mystical, shamanistic realms of spirit guides and intuitional energetic relationships that simply don't play by the rules of objective observation. (Funny how Quantum Physics found the same thing!) I guess that's why such esoteric concepts remains the arena of less than five percent of the total populace. Perhaps it shall remain as such, acting as the leading edge of visionary potential, nudging consciousness to expand to another level of mentality/awareness. Visionary artists invariably provide the fodder for the eventual progress of any culture. I personally believe that it is through such artistic, subjective realms that the 'truth' of who we really are as a species can be supposed. In these changing times of shifting consciousness, I look to open ended paradigms of ART to provide direction and have grown weary of the closed, constricted views imposed by SCIENCE, as a means to provide clues to the real meaning of my existence. But hey, that's just the way I choose to look at things. :o)
Aloha Linda,
Thank you so much for your warm and caring email. My heart goes out to you and Heather as you seek out a meaningful experience with the captive Bottlenose dolphins at the Atlantis Casino in Paradise Island. I visited that island twenty years ago, before it became the mega-gambling-resort it is today. I have no way of knowing what they're facility is like today but imagine it must be something along the lines of what Steve Wynn has created at his casino in Las Vegas, The Mirage -- an apt name because nothing appears as it really is in those types of atmospheres.So, I don't expect you'll find the kind of facility you saw in Florida, but as with most of today's high-end captive facilities, such as the one run by DolphinQuest at the Hilton on the north Kona coast of Big Island, that I have watched on a number of occasions, it will be highly efficient, cut and dry, with very limited opportunity to have individual interaction with the dolphins, as everything is done in groups for about fifteen minutes of dolphin entertainment with the trainer and then allowing people to have they're picture taken with it and touch it. Because of Heather's specialness, this may not be the case. Yes, do check in with the head of the facility as soon as you can, and have that person show you the facility and what might be possible before you get your hopes up. It will surely be different from the DAT facility and what they are trying to accomplish. It's more about the money.
The Atlantis property costs hundred of millions of dollars to develop and they cannot afford to risk any bad publicity on an attraction that can pay back millions every year. So, it's safe to assume that it's a tight, clean operation with professional trainers to handle their stable of animals. The Hilton's Dolphin Quest has been managing up to a dozen dolphins at a time, for breeding purposes, as the demand for this type of resort entertainment has grown so popular in the past decade. They also represent a powerful lobby interest who would love to see swimming in the open ocean with dolphins outlawed. But, that's another story...
Know this, however. My close friend, Joan Ocean, and I both agree that most of the captive dolphins are giving themselves to service for us humans. Their gifts of Spirit reach beyond the confines of concrete tanks and chlorinated water and touch the hearts of so many people. I believe they are probably well treated, as they represent a sizable investment and so many more people of keenly watching this new industry for mistreatment.
Last year I had the privilege of hosting a delightful little girl named Alex, who'd had over 150 brain operations before she was nine. She showed me something quite profound over the few days that we spent together amongst the Hawaiian Spinner dolphins here on our coast. They loved her, by the way, and she delighted in the waves of sonic vibrations that saturated us as dozens of them at a time came up within a few feet to interact with us. Through her smiles I knew that even though she could not see them as she floated just above them in my arms, they indeed communicated with one another on the subtle realms. I fully realized this when she clearly came to me telepathically the morning they were leaving to return to England, and showed me how her 'duties' on this Earth plane was to hold a huge grid of "light" in place, and the dolphins had acknowledged and helped her enormously in her work while she was here. It showed me how so much is happening on nonverbal levels that most of us haven't a clue because we are way too distracted from talking all the time. One good thing about swimming with the dolphins, I found, is that it makes a person listen keenly to the world, and because there's a snorkel in the mouth, we can't talk. This can be a good thing...
And, it sure helps to smile a lot.
My very best wishes for you and Heather with your encounter and adventure at Atlantis.
Be Well & Swim Free,
Aloha All,
I apologize for any dupes as I'm asking for everyone to circulate this message.On this Saturday, September 21, we have an opportunity to come together on many levels and focus our love and attention in the dynamic atmosphere of a Full Moon in Virgo opposite the Solar Equinox. In the Mayan Calendar it is a Galactic Activation Portal Day, cet's Galactic Signature: the "White Lunar Worldbridger," a special interdimensional day that plays an important part in Universalizing creative forms of information such as music and art.
Many of us have come to the Big Island because we felt a "Calling" to be close to the dolphins and whales in this particular area that happens to lie on 19.5 degrees of latitude -- a significant upwelling electromagnetic energy point in the geo-hyperdimensional physics of our planet. Yes, we are indeed on a pulse point, and many would agree, a potential pulse point of light here in this magical, mystical place we all love to consider Paradise - of ancient Lemurian heritage. Many of us have actually experienced multidimensional awareness' as a result of being here and in gentle and open proximity of dolphins and whales. Almost everyone has experienced a profound sense of wonderment and sensations of deep love from the Cetaceans that have moved us to our very core being. They present a consciousness of acceptance and connectivity to anyone open to the experience and have always reflected unconditional love to our emotional bodies. The Cetaceans are great masters of existence and exquisite teachers to anyone who may open their hearts and minds to another level of being.
We are striving to become a conscious community of people who are actively participating in such a new way of being and thinking. Towards this end we gather together in body and spirit to share our mutual love for the dolphins and whales and the whole Planet Ocean that cradles us in her fluidity and fecundity. My hope is that we might focus our attention and direct an energy beacon from this dynamic pulse point on this occasion of intensified magnetics and polarized atmospheres. Let's celebrate our love and commitment to a higher vibration of intentional being and participate in whatever way possible from wherever we are on this etheric/physical plane. I sincerely believe it's something that affects us all and am asking each of you to contribute with your thoughts and deeds to help promote this wave of light, projecting it out into our fragile atmosphere. Thank you for caring.Be Well and Swim Free,
Love is the Living Light,Douglas Webster
Cetacean Nation************************
PRESS RELEASE:The Cetacean Nation and the Kona Dance Jam will host a benefit event and silent auction on Saturday, September 21 in Kealakekua at the KTPS Performance Cooperative, starting a 8 PM.
This CETACEAN CELEBRATION on the full moon Autumn Equinox is intended raise money for a law suit by Big Island Attorney, Lanny Sinkin, to protect whales and dolphins, particularly from the threat posed by the US Navy's plan to deploy LFAS - Low Frequency Active Sonar.
LFAS can disrupt critical Cetacean behavior, injure, and even kill. The system is outdated as an effective defense system and blatantly misrepresented as safe by the Navy.
Proceeds from the $10 entry fee and silent auction will go towards an effort to increase public dialogue on the appropriate human/animal relationship and the need to achieve legal recognition for Cetaceans as sovereign citizens of Planet Ocean. Direct, tax deductible contributions may also be made by contacting Lanny@whaleattorney.com.
There will be dancing and live music, featuring among others, songster Grady Keystone and his band from Honokaa, and internationally celebrated violin virtuoso, Tony Selvage from Mountain View. There will also be a silent auction of goods and services from people in the community contributing to this important educational fund. Come celebrate our island's special relationship with the whales and dolphins and our precious Planet Ocean with this meaningful event.
A live Internet broadcast is being provided by "Dolphinville.com" ("Radio.Dolphinville.com")
The Performance Cooperative is located in Kealakekua, three doors down from the traffic light at 81-971 Haleki`i Street, directly across from the Corner Pocket. Doors open at 8:00 and all are welcome to attend. For more information please call Douglas Webster at 328-2050 or Pati Scamacca at 334-1998.
*******************************************There will be a press conference on the steps of the Federal Court House in Honolulu, Hawai`i at 9:00 am on Wednesday, September 18 to discuss the filing of the lawsuit described below.
A copy of the Complaint is available at http://CetaceanCommunity.com. This web site also contains additional information and links to other sites relevant to the issues raised by the suit.On Wednesday, September 18, the Cetacean Community, composed of whales, dolphins, and porpoises, filed suit in federal court against President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld.
The suit alleges that President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld are in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act because they have failed to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for deployment of Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) during threat and warfare conditions. The suit seeks legal recognition for Cetaceans to file their own suit, rather than having to rely on Human plaintiffs to file suit on their behalf.
The suit alleges that LFAS represents a significant threat to the Cetacean Community because this sonar can disrupt critical behaviors, injure, and even kill.
The suit asks the court to enter an injunction to prevent the use of the sonar during threat and warfare conditions until the President and Secretary of Defense prepare an EIS for use during such conditions.
The U.S. Navy prepared an EIS for use of one LFAS system, known as SURTASS LFA, during routine operations. That EIS specifically excluded use during threat and warfare conditions.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) granted the U.S. Navy's application for permission to harass or otherwise injure marine mammals during a five year deployment of SURTASS LFA for routine operations. The NOAA imposed various conditions on the permit to limit the potential injury to marine mammals. Those conditions, however, will not be imposed during threat and warfare conditions.
In seeking legal recognition for Cetaceans, the suit states:
"We, the Cetacean Community, come to this Honorable Court to offer what
we consider a gift, not a complaint. The gift is the opportunity to expand
the United States legal system to permit the Cetacean Community to bring
suit on its own behalf.
We consider this opportunity a gift because in granting standing to our
community, you will be taking an evolutionary step for your own species.
Extending Human recognition and respect to another species continues
the Human process of moving beyond absorption with consumption of the
Earth's resources to a broader view of Human responsibility as a steward and
co-inhabitant of this planet with others. The passage of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was a similar step in that direction."
The suit alleges that boat motors, oil and gas exploration, Navy
explosive tests, sonar currently in use, and other noise introduced into the
oceans by Humans is a cacophony of sound that is creating an intolerable
bedlam. The suit further alleges that introduction of LFAS will only make
matters worse.
The Cetaceans note that: "While humans primarily use sight, we primarily
use our hearing.
For us, broadcasts of low frequency active sonar are the equivalent
of a powerful searchlight shining on you."
The Cetaceans raise the question: "Could you feed, converse, navigate,
engage in courtship, or otherwise pursue your normal activities, if someone
filled your visual environment with very bright light?"
The suit notes that pollution, over-fishing, global climate change and
other Human activities are also putting the ocean
environment under stress.
The attorney is Lanny Sinkin, a federal practice attorney on the
Island of Hawai`i. Mr. Sinkin filed two suits in 1998 and a third suit in
2000 challenging different aspects of the SURTASS LFA program. Information
about Mr. Sinkin and those earlier suits is available at the web site.
According to Mr. Sinkin, "this suit offers an opportunity for the Human
community to examine its relationship with other species sharing the same
planet and the damage Humans are doing to the environment and other species
particularly within the ocean environment."
The lawsuit is an educational project of Rainbow Friends Animal
Sanctuary on the Island of Hawai`i. Mr. Sinkin and his wife, Mary Rose
founded the Sanctuary two years ago. The Sanctuary now has more than 80
dogs and 125 cats in residence (along with one guinea pig, one fan tail
pigeon, and five chickens). Information about the Sanctuary is available
through http://www.rainbowfriends.org._________________________________TOP
Aloha Kristel,
Thanks for your email and interest in a dolphin encounter while you are in Hawaii. First, I must emphasize that when we meet the dolphins in the open ocean it is entirely by their choice, since it is their domain and the best that we might do is to place ourselves in a position to receive their acknowledgment.Here on the Big Island of Hawaii we are blessed to have opportunities to swim in proximity with curious pods of Spinner dolphins from the shore and occasionally the Spotted dolphins from boats. There are two main accessible shore areas where this may occur here on the Kona coast. Hookena Beach and Kealakekua Bay. The dolphins may be seen from these shore spots in varying numbers around twenty days out of any given month. They are most likely to be interactive with humans when they first arrive into these bays just after dawn, where they come to rest from a full night of food gathering in the deeper waters. After an hour or so of playing and then settling down, they usually go into "sleep mode" which means they tend to have less interest in interaction and shut down most activity to go into a kind of meditative state for deep relaxation. Often we see nursing pods with young ones during this time of the year. There is a public campsite at Hookena where people have the luxury of stepping out of their tent at the crack of dawn and swimming from shore to greet the dolphins should they arrive. Kealakekua Bay is about 10 miles from this area, so those of us who live here will often go to one or the other bay to see if the dolphins are there. They may or may not be there and even if they are, they are not always interactive. Humans must be sensitive to their needs if we are to continue with this activity.
There has been some concern expressed by many that because more and more people want to have this experience, and they are not well informed as to the proper protocols and mannerisms of the dolphins, they may disturb the pods resting periods. Most of this occurs from people who are just so excited to see the dolphins and don't realize that they need to rest during the day because they are foraging all night. So, those of us who live here try to help educate people as to what's going on, so this activity may continue without any negative impact on the dolphin pods.
Several people have moved here from all over the world because we share in our love for the Cetaceans - dolphins and whales. Our small community of like minded people form a collective that we like to call "Dolphinville" <smile>, that consists of people from different walks of life. Many of us are trained facilitators in various healing modalities while others are artists and writers or simply work sales or service jobs to sustain ourselves. A number of us rent rooms to dolphin friendly people and even offer our services as dolphin swim guides from the shore as well as from boats and kayaks.
There are special boats that take people out for a week at a time to possibly meet the friendly Bahaman Spotted dolphins in the open Atlantic waters and I know of at least one retreat facility in Costa Rica that features potential encounters with free swimming Bottlenose dolphins. There are also facilitators in the Florida Keys that take people on boats to interact with Bottlenose dolphins.
While swimming with dolphins is an exquisite experience that can have life altering implications, just opening one's self to the idea of another sentient intelligent species can have a transformative affect upon us. When we enter their domain with respect and reverence we open up many possibilities for our consciousness to expand and embrace another level of reality. It's a reality that recognizes Nature's inherent intelligence that goes beyond human intellect. Emerging ourselves in this ocean of possibilities, our own water-bodies start to vibrate at a higher frequency and such new levels of awareness become accessible as the illusion of density loosens from the grip of gravity's pull. We have an opportunity to invite this experience into our lives even without swimming with dolphins, and I'd encourage you to begin to focus your energy towards such a thing and search for a place deep within you to ask the collective consciousness of Cetaceans to come into your life. Once done you may find the dolphins will swim into your dreams and your inner journey to greet them will have already begun.
I hope I have answered some of your questions and will be pleased to help guide you further should you decide to visit Dolphinville. Until then,
Be Well and Swim Free,
Love is the Living Light,Douglas "Dolphinus"
Where is Dolphinville?
Located in the middle of the largest geographic feature of our planet, the Pacific Ocean, at the mystical latitude of 19.5 degrees on the Big Island, Hawaii, people have been gathering together here for the past two decades. Commonly, a part of us has felt the "Calling of the Dolphins and Whales" to come and participate in the uplifting of human consciousness as we birth into a higher vibrational frequency; one that is based upon compassion and love instead of the old paradigm system of intimidation and fear. The Cetaceans are assisting us in this magnificent process, sort of like midwives, and the energy grid alignments from sacred geometric relationships point to this very spot as being the prime 'pulse point' of dynamic flux for Gaia consciousness. It is, after all, the Garden of Madam Pele, the most powerful and respected Hawaiian Goddess of Creation. But, beyond this physical manifestation in time and space, Dolphinville exists as a belief system that allows for a new way of thinking and being.
What is Dolphinville all about?
The very word Dolphinville brings a natural smile to the lips of nearly every person I've met. Here is a place where one can lighten up and still feel a part of everything without taking ourselves too seriously. This is "Paradise" after all, so those of us who've made a conscious decision to live here, are freely creating without restrictions or threat of embarrassment. In other words, it's all right to be silly, because taking things too seriously leads to dis-ease and death.
Fortunately we have the "Clown Scientists" to thank for the recent re-discovery of the all important, "Clown Chakra" *(see below) in humans and dolphins alike. Since then interest and research has really picked up.
So, the sovereign citizens of Dolphinville recognize the importance of joy and laugher as a way of life and strive to incorporate that into all of their behavior towards one another. In the Hawaiian tradition, this is called the "Aloha Spirit" and recognizes that life is a gift worth sharing and enjoying for free, because it makes you happy. For everything else, there's MasterCard . . . and . . . Dolphin Dollars.
What do people do in Dolphinville?
The pod-people of Dolphinville choose a lifestyle that reflects what brings them the most joy and fulfillment. We believe that all that is being asked of us on this earthly plane of existence is that we become all that we a capable of being. No, not a Marine, but our Full Potential Self. The Cetaceans help us recognize what it's like to use more than the puny 7-10% of our brains allotted by the current Consensus Reality Matrix, as they use upwards to 80-99% of theirs without wasting precious brain cells on intellectualizing and rationalizing linear concepts. They are nonlinear thinkers and foster multidimensional awareness and just being in proximity of their domain, the Ocean, our own somewhat limited and muted sensory apparatus increases its vibrational flux by way of resonate tuning on a cellular level. In other words, our bodies pick up on their sonic atmospheres and we respond on an unconscious level that in and of itself helps us to raise our normal level of conscious awareness. Just living in Hawaii affords us the rare opportunity of constantly basking in this higher vibrational frequency, and thus it offers new opportunities and choices of how to use our time and energy to promote a sense of well being, wholeness and harmony. That alone is worth the price of admission!
How can I come to Dolphinville?
Guess all the spiritual communities are buzzing with 'podliness' since Jimmy Twyman announced through his Thomas channeling emails how important our Cetacea relatives are to planetary consciousness. But then, we were country way before country was cool... :o)
I'm currently working on a new website called "Dolphinville.com" and as you can imagine, it's about our community here. In addition to a directory of people, goods and services, I want it to be highly interactive with people from all over the world. Presently I'm linking up with Mt. Shasta and eventually Byron Bay, Australia, to enable people to freely talk 'dolphin' over the cyberwaves. Look for it coming to a computer near you in the next month or so.
(Here are all three of the Thomas Messages from James Twyman that stimulated much attention throughout the dolphin world)
Beloved Friends,
Last week a friend sent me an e-mail regarding the US government's proposed use of low frequency sonar to guard against aggressive submarine attacks. The sonar apparently has a devastating effect on ocean-life, in particular whales and dolphins. The e-mail caught my attention, but it did not inspire me to act.
But then something wonderful happened. I felt the presence of a child
I've grown accustomed to this past year, the one we call Thomas who I originally met at a monastery in Bulgaria last year. It felt like a gentle tap on the shoulder, but there was also a level of seriousness in the energy I had never experienced before. It has been many months since I forwarded a message from Thomas to our list, but in that moment I felt a new journey beginning, a journey we have all been being prepared for.
Will we step forward and respond? Will we heed this warning and accept the role each one of us has in creating a world based upon the laws of peace rather than the rules of war? I believe it's time to really listen to this message, and become part of the solution. If you feel the same way, I hope you'll forward this to everyone you know. There are already tens of thousands of people responding to the message of these amazing Psychic Children. But millions more are needed.
I begin by offering the e-mail I received regarding LFA, the low frequency sonar. You can judge this information for yourself. Then I share the first of three new messages from Thomas, and will send out the other two in the next two days. (For those of you who are not familiar with Thomas or the other Psychic Children, they are the subject of my new book Emissary of Love: The Psychic Children Speak to the World. It is the true account of my journey meeting with and learning from four children who were being trained at a monastery in Bulgaria. That book should be available everywhere if you want more information, or you can order it from Amazon.com.)
James Twyman
Navy's Whale-Killing
Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar
Approved by National Marine Fisheries Service"This is an outrageous move," stated David Phillips, Director of Earth Island Institute's International Marine Mammal Project. "The Navy's Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar system has the potential to deafen every marine mammal living in the world's oceans. There is no driving need for deploying LFA Sonar."
"The Bush Administration's proposed 'mitigation' plan for LFA Sonar is a complete sham," Phillips added. "The Navy is trying to white-wash the deadly effects of LFA Sonar by proposing a 'if we don't see it - we don't harm it' approach to blasting the oceans with deafening sounds."
Today, the federal National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) approved the granting of "small take" permits to kill and harass whales and other endangered species for the U.S. Navy's Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar. LFA Sonar makes sound pulses underwater that are the equivalent of standing next to a Saturn V rocket on take-off. The sound supposedly bounces off silent submarines miles away and echoes back to the LFA vessel. LFA Sonar and other active Navy sonars have been implicated in many cases of stranded and killed whales around the world. It is a dumb bomb that threatens marine life in our oceans. Alternative systems exist that do not have adverse impacts on whales and other marine life.
Earth Island Institute and a coalition of environmental and animal welfare organizations are opposed to issuing any permits to deploy LFA Sonar.From Thomas:
Are you beginning to understand? Do you FEEL the opportunity that is before you? I say the word FEEL instead of understand because it would be impossible for you to comprehend it. Why? Because there's nothing for you to understand, at least not with your mind. But your heart KNOWS, and it's this knowingness you must learn to access. You will not be able to solve this or any other problem with your intellect alone because it will constantly mistake where the real problem is. The problem is not in the ocean, or in the air, or on the land. It is within you now. But the solution is there as well, and you can BECOME that solution if you want. That is the only message the Children are here to bring.
I have said before that your higher consciousness is directly linked to the whales and dolphins of the world. I even told you that it will be easy to know which path you have chosen for the world, the path of peace or the path that leads to war. [This was in the second message sent out earlier this year when Thomas said the activity of the whales and dolphins would reveal the path we have chosen.] But we did not think that this crossroad would come so soon. There has been an escalation in the energy that leads away from the Truth, and you are beginning to kill yourselves through your ocean brothers and sisters. Why do you think this technology of yours is having this deafening effect on the whales and dolphins? It is because you intuitively know that they hold the key to your survival, and you don't want to HEAR the message they would offer. It's that simple. By stealing their ears you are stealing your own. The results could be devastating.
Why would you do this? Because you do not yet understand how close you are to the TRUTH. And if you did, the part of you that is still afraid would use that fear to deny the reality you could enter at any moment. It is time for you to make a choice. Will you accept with your heart that you have everything you need to solve this and every problem? Or will you stuff cotton in your ears, deafen and kill the ocean creatures that could save you, and stay in the darkness of your own fearful mind?
You are reading this because you are ready to choose peace. Over the next two days we will tell you exactly how this can be done, and how you will be asked to save the world. Do not think that it is anything less than this. There is more at stake than you can know with your mind, and that is why we are calling you to return to your heart. This is the moment you have been waiting for. Your response is critical.
We love you,
This has been a difficult message to write. As you know, whenever I try to communicate with Thomas I head for our hot tub or a bath tub, and as soon as I am there the channel opens up and I feel him there. His messages have been almost predictable, as if I can feel what he is going to say before he says it. But tonight, as I got into the tub, I had a different feeling. The message seemed so high and esoteric that I wondered if it was just my imagination. It didn't seem to make sense, at least not in the normal sense, but I could feel something very profound trying to break through. I jumped out of the hot tub and wrote down what I heard:
The Universe is alive and is breathing. You can become aware of this movement if you are very quiet. It breathes in then it exhales out. Inhales then exhales. And in the center place, between each breath, you exist.There are three words we need you to understand: descend, pretend and ascend. It is like a wave that rises then falls. First the energy of God descends upon the Earth, then it pretends whatever it wants to be, then it ascends back to its source. You are God pretending to be whatever you are right now. Do you understand what this means? We have used this one word before. Pretend. But now it is time to complete the thought. Once you understand the Cycle of God, then you will understand your role in that Cycle. And when you understand your role in that Cycle, then the world is healed.
I stopped and read the words I typed, wondering what they meant. They sounded too esoteric, and I wondered if they made any sense at all. I also had the terrible feeling that they really didn't make any sense, and that I could never send them out to thousands of people around the world. But instead of giving up, I decided to do something I have never done before with Thomas. I decided to have a conversation with him, and to simply type what I received. I felt it was the only way it would work, and so I offer this conversation exactly as it came to me. I still can't say I fully understand where this is leading, and I assume the third message will bring it all together. But it's
impossible for me to know. All I know is that something profound is happening, not just to me but to all of us. That is the heart of what Thomas is trying to say.The Conversation
Do you mind if we enter into a dialogue. I think it might help me understand what you are trying to communicate? So far I don't understand what you said, and if I don't get it, no one else will either.Thomas:
I don't mind at all. What is it you don't understand?Jimmy:
You talk about God's breath, and the three words that relate to that movement: descend, pretend and ascend. But I don't see how this relates to the message of the Psychic Children, or to what is happening in the world right now, especially with the whales and dolphins.Thomas:
We're trying to get you to understand where you are in this cycle...or better yet, where you could be. If you became that center point where God PRETENDS to be you, then you can turn the tables, which is the real trick, and PRETEND to be God. Do you understand? God pretending to be you is the same thing as you pretending to be God. We've said many times before that when you do this, then you're pretending something that is true. When you pretend something that is true, then you immediately become that Truth.You are here to realize your oneness with God. Yes? But you have not allowed yourself to go this far because you believe you are not worthy. And so you unconsciously do whatever you can to interrupt this process, and not ascend back to God. You have allowed yourself to descend, but by pretending to be less than what you are, you have not ascended back to God.
I think I'm starting to understand, but it's still pretty difficult.Thomas:
And that's the problem, isn't it. You think if your mind understands this then the problem will be solved. But you can't understand this with your mind because all I'm really offering you is a symbol of the solution. That's as far as words and concepts will take us. But if you're able to latch on to even the smallest part of the Truth I'm describing, then the energy of that Truth will reveal the rest. It will happen by itself, which is the best way for it to happen. Stick with these three words: Descend, Pretend and Ascend. Go inside and see where they lead. Once again, God's Light descends into form, then pretends to be whatever it wants, then it ascends back to Heaven.
Then, of course, the cycle repeats itself. It is like your own breath that moves in and out of your lungs.Jimmy:
And what is it we need to do?Thomas:
You need to begin pretending what is true, instead of what isn't, then your ascension will be guaranteed. Then the breath of God will be complete, and it will be complete AS YOU.Jimmy:
As me?Thomas:
That's the whole point, isn't it? You are the one that has to make the choice, the choice to remember God. When you do, then God remembers you as well, because it is all the same.Let me ask you this. Why do you think it's easier for you to receive these messages from me when you're soaking in water?
I'm not sure.Thomas:
It relates to what is happening to the whales and dolphins. And it also relates to why you are destroying the oceans and all your water sources.Jimmy:
I'm going to guess that it has something to do with the way sound and energy travels through water. It moves much faster through water than through air.Thomas:
And how would this relate to what we're discussing?Jimmy:
I'm not sure.Thomas:
Pay close attention because this is very important. Most of you are afraid of the messages being offered humanity right now, and you will do whatever you can to deny, then destroy them. You already know that you are ready to enter a new world, one where compassion and love are the dominant force. It is like you are giving birth to this world, and water is the medium of birth. Every birth must be assisted and even witnessed by another person, or in this case, another species. Because most of you are afraid of this, you will do whatever you can to stop it.Jimmy:
Are you telling me that the whales and dolphins are like the midwives of our birth into this new world?Thomas:
Why would that surprise you? It is their role, like silent witnesses to the most profound awakening since the world began. The ascension has begun, and they are here to join you. Now perhaps you are beginning to see why you are trying to destroy them.Jimmy:
That sounds too unbelievable.Thomas:
But it isn't. Do not underestimate what lengths a fearful, sleeping mind will go to stay asleep. Now you know the truth. Now you know what you must do to complete the Breath of God. If you are to ascend to the next phase, then you must understand why these creatures were sent to be your witness. And I cannot tell you this. You must discover it within yourself. The third message will tell you how to become the solution, and in doing so, save your world.And with that the dialogue ended. As I sit here at my computer wondering what it all means I feel a sense of confusion, and of hope. I could feel a strong, positive energy coming through as I wrote this, and I know that the ending is sure. But only if each one of us comes to understand the heart of this message: THERE IS NOTHING FOR US TO FEAR!!!! I can feel the third message beginning to form, and I know it is the answer we need to hear.
Beloved Friends,
We have been receiving thousands of responses to the first two Thomas Messages, so many that it actually crashed our e-mail for a few hours. The wisdom we are being offered by these Psychic Children is touching a place deep within our hearts, calling us to awaken and begin creating a new world.
I have to admit that I have personally been a bit concerned about the subject, and I even hesitated sending out the last message. And yet, it seems that the less I can relate to it the more truth it has for others. I have never felt overly connected to the dolphin or whale energy, and so I was surprised when they turned out to be a central figure. What Thomas offered in the last message, especially in regard to humanity attacking the whales and dolphins because we are unconsciously aware of their role in assisting us in our own awakening, was revolutionary. My mind resisted it to the point that I had to have two people read the message before I would consider forwarding it to all of you. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. In the end I decided to trust the inspiration, and trust all of you in your ability to determine what has value and what does not.
As I wrote out this third message, it became clear to me that Thomas was leading us on a journey that would not be complete in three short e-mails. Maybe we opened the door too wide, or perhaps our questions took us further than we thought. Whatever the reason, Thomas made it clear that he would continue this dialogue if we want him to. His only goal seems to be to help us in this critical transition. And so, we will continue to send out the Thomas Messages as long as Thomas wants.
I think it might be helpful if you had some tangible proof that the Psychic Children are really working with all of you in revealing this information.Jimmy:
Tangible proof? I never thought of that before, but I have to admit that it would be fantastic. I think it would really help people believe, then apply these messages.Thomas:
What sort of proof do you think would be appropriate?Jimmy:
I've never thought about that before. What would you suggest?Thomas:
First of all, proof that this conversation is real would have no value unless you were willing to act on what is being said. You can believe the Children are here guiding you, but unless you become part of the solution it will do no good.Jimmy:
So, how do we become part of the solution?Thomas:
I have already told you in so many ways. As I said in the last message, the problem is not in the ocean, or in the sky, or on the land. It is within you. Each one of you. It is in the decisions you are making about yourselves, which then becomes the choices you make for the world. I also said that you must begin pretending what is true, instead of pretending what isn't. That is what you've been doing for a very long time, and it obviously hasn't worked.Jimmy:
How have we pretended what isn't true?Thomas:
You pretend to be weak, you pretend to be vulnerable to attack, and you pretend to be less than what God created. And because you have pretended this all very well, it seems to be true. So what we are now asking is that you begin pretending the truth, that you are strong, that you are invulnerable, and that you are perfect. If you did that, then the problems would disappear. You would not be so willing to sacrifice your whales and dolphins, or any life at all, just so you could continue hiding from the Truth.Jimmy:
What can you offer us that would prove all this?Thomas:
I've been thinking about this, and I believe I have an answer. I already told you why it's easier for me to communicate with you when you are soaking in water. This would also work for nearly everyone else, if they allowed it to. There are tens of thousands of people who are receiving these messages through the e-mail. Do you realize that it would be easy for that number of people to shift the consciousness of the planet if they worked together at the same time? What do you think would happen if I asked everyone who is reading this to dedicate themselves to a simple practice for three days that would give tangible proof of everything I have been saying? Do you think they would listen?Jimmy:
It depends on what you ask them to do, but if it's reasonable, yes, I think they would.Thomas:
What I'm going to ask is so easy, and so pleasurable, that everyone will want to do it. And if you do, you will be able to look out into your own lives, and into the world, and see a shift. It may be a subtle shift, but it will be there if you have eyes to see.Here's what we are asking: For the next three days find some quiet time to sit in a hot bath or hot tub and open your hearts to the Children. As I have said before, the water acts as a powerful conduit for this energy, much like an amplifier. I am asking you to do this three days because I know that everyone will not receive this e-mail on the same day. Some people will read these instructions the day it is sent, and others will read it the next day. If you practice this for three days in a row, we can be assured that at least one day will generate sufficient energy to create the shift.
The first step will be to listen to any messages you might receive from the Psychic Children. If you clear away your own thoughts you might hear a quiet voice that expresses its love and helps you understand your role in the world. Or it may come to you as a gentle feeling that you have never felt before. The Children want to communicate with all of you, because that will help us fulfill our own role.
After you have relaxed and opened your mind and heart to the Children, begin to envision the new world we have been referring to. Imagine how peace will show up in your life as well as in the world. Spend at least ten minutes giving this your whole attention, knowing that there are thousands of people doing the exact same thing, and then prepare yourself for the moment of activation. When you feel the energy at its strongest point say these words with dedication: "I claim this world NOW for myself and all beings everywhere." Say it a few times if you want.
Then relax and go about your day. But watch for evidence of the shift in your life and in the world. Don't be surprised if there is a breakthrough in some area of discord. You may even experience something you did not expect in your own life, a healing or a miracle. It will happen if you allow it to. Then you will know that we are with you and helping you in everything.
And what will happen then?Thomas:
You will be able to move from the place of faith into certainty. Many of you believe that this is happening, which means you have faith. But when you experience the proof, then you will KNOW, and you will be certain. Certainty is such a powerful energy, and if you can enter that place then you will be ready to work directly with the Children.Jimmy:
You said that there would only be three messages, but it feels like there is still so much to learn.Thomas:
There will be more messages if you need them. The next will be after the three days are up, after you've seen for yourself that this is really happening. It is easy to think that this is in your imagination. It takes courage to believe, then live these messages. I tell you that we are with you and are drawing you together for the awakening of the new world. Now it is yours to open your heart to this, and to welcome it into your life.The next message will be sent in three or four days. By then we're sure to have some amazing stories to tell and perhaps even share. In the meantime, good luck.
In Peace,
James Twyman_________________________________TOP
(I sent this to a German friend who was just going online for the first time.)
Once you sign up with an Internet service to go online to the World Wide Web, an amazing library is opened to you. One of the fun things to do, for me, is to follow various "threads" of information that links up to different websites and starts to describe the kind of latticework of informational energy - LightStreams, really - that is defining and redefining our sense of the interconnectedness of an entire world of consciousness. Part of the overall spiritual growth I see in our culture is the possibility of sharing a common world-view and seeing how our likenesses far outweigh our differences. I sense our current generation is moving into this higher vibrational rate that allows for clarity of spirit. With each one of us who forges our personal way to such higher vibrational states, it makes it possible for others to expand as well, even if they may not even realize what is happening to them. Such is the case, I feel, as a vast majority of people simply chose not to engage this expanded state of consciousness intentionally. Why? Because by doing so, it means accepting full responsibility for our actions. Most people prefer to blame outside factors for their misery or even good fortune. Some part of me that I've accepted, however, believes my life is generated from the inside out. For this, I suffer at times with the pain of uncertainty and wrestle with the darkness of my own personal doubts. I toil with the supposed reasons for the things that happen to me, and my heart bleeds when such suffering overwhelms me. But, that's life and I wouldn't have it any other way because feeling such things allows me to also fully appreciate the bliss of knowing my connectivity with All That Is, and sense a unity with such a planetary consciousness - Gaia - that I believe is held in place with love and light by the Cetaceans and now, again, Humans. Knowing this gives me a sense of purpose and a directive to push forward through the darkness and uncertainty. It's what I've been led here to do and have asked for in my heart of hearts. It's my own personal way of holding the Lightgrid in place, I suppose. So, in a way, it's a tradeoff. I get to make choices that bring about joy, happiness and enlightenment though, not without challenges. In exchange, I hold up my end of the gridwork by helping others seek a balance point in their lives that will enable them to begin to realize their own capabilities for doing the same thing. This may connect even further this web of consciousness, this latticework of light, into a luminous ball that cannot be ignored any longer, for it's there for all to see and feel and begin to participate in creating a world that shines and takes it's rightful place in the galactic fabric of consciousness. The creation of the Internet goes along way towards bringing such an etheric idea into a virtual reality. One step closer to seeing it apply to the even denser realms of physical reality. For in a way, the Internet represents a slighter higher vibrational frequency of reality that can be manipulated and transformed much faster, and is helping us grapple with the mysterious workings of the physical world. At least that's my take on it.
Hi Wayne,
Believe that you create your own reality, my brother.Many of our generation are experiencing upheaval in our lives because it is the time where we can readjust our thinking and can now remember something that we thought was lost in our lives. We can readily access our heart's joy if we can only cut through the pain of guilt from choices made out of ignorance brought on by a blinded desire and devoid of any sincere integrity. This creates separation within the human form so that mind, body and spirit are not in harmony with one another and this usually leads to stress and dis-ease and eventually physical death.
I believe these changing times have accelerated a vibrational shift within each and every one of us. This higher vibrational rate is allowing more and more of us to begin to see our lives differently and for many, how what we are doing is not really in the best interest of our 'trueheart.' Not really what brings us joy and wholeness. So instead of trudging along out of some sense of duty that was never explained or wanted, some of us have stepped off the Merry-go-round and decided to pursue a higher Truth. The one that will liberate us from the illusionary cycles of guilt, shame, blame and provide a clear path to the one center of pure joy and happiness: our own heart feeling Love. Not loving someone else, or something, or some activity outside of ourselves. Just generating a pure essence from within our own source. This 'hidden treasure' is what I believe has become available to each and every one of us and it is only now up to us to choose it for our lives. Sure, some choices are not easy. Some are painful. But, I have found that the more clear one is about the things that bring them joy, and surrounds themselves with those things, the easier the path becomes. One starts by simply illuminating all the wasted energy items in one's life and redirecting attention to those things which bring us a sense of fulfillment. The rest follows in due course.
There are many illustrations of this simple Truth out there from such popular writings as "The Rainbow Warrior" and "The Celestine Prophesy" to esoteric texts and obscure websites. They all lead to the same place: our true selves ~ who we really are. We are Lightbeings, bro. We are spiritual entities having a physical experience. We are nonlinear multidimensional consciousness acting in a linear dimensional context. In other words, we are so much more than what we've been lead to believe. It's just time for us to wake up to that fact and start creating our individual Universe's in harmony with one another and the grand Gaia Consciousness that is Planet Ocean. It's time for all of us who can, to live with love and light in our hearts and let the rest of sleeping humanity go on boarding the Titanic of a flawed, misdirected 'Reality-Matrix.' Otherwise, it's a cold death that awaits most when that 'unsinkable' vessel goes down.
So, Remember, Be Happy! It doesn't cost a thing and after some practice things get easier. I promise.
(The Greek trip starts to synthisize.)
Just to let you know of my return from Greece with 'bags full' of light energy from the trip.
As you know, it was at the 'insistence' of the Humpback whales that I go to Greece to collect, or better, connect with a specific 'light-grid' energy that is evolving even as I speak. My role in this unfolding drama is only being shown to me just before it happens, so therefore I have no idea where it may take me, but simply follow my intuitive notions to lead me to the place where I must be.
The Humpbacks had showed an archaic 'Time Before Time' story of our 'Human Experiment' to me. This initial cosmology was followed closely by the redefining of our modern society and the patriarchal system of power and greed that has dominated these past 3000 years, so that I could see the basic flaw in the 'Reality-Matrix' as perceived by our present day culture. More precisely the Western Euro-Judeo-Christian-Islamic Society, which by its very nature wants to conquer and consume everything on the planet. Then out of this vision of reality a story emerged that formed the inspiration for the trip to Greece. In a nutshell, it's a love story that links a fated pair in a 3000-year loop of time. The story is already clear in my mind but I needed to flesh out details of the landscapes where it takes place and feel the ancient dust, touch the archaic stones and taste Castilian Spring water, so I was urged to go on this spirit quest to cover several destinations.
Naturally, I began in Athens, but quickly moved to Santorini, the site of an archaic settlement from the Atlantean era that was eliminated by a massive volcanic eruption but left remnants of a large estate, now called Akroteri, buried in the ash for thousands of years. There were marvelous wall frescoes of a peaceful people with many dolphins done in elegant sophisticated styling.
Next I spent time in Crete and came into contact with a most powerful object called the Phestos Disk, a prehistoric (before 1600BC) clay tablet with pictographic inscriptions that have defied translation since it was found at the ancient site, Phestos, by archeologists in the last century. I was shown in the 'Dreamtime' to collect three replicas of this disk, which I did, and anoint them on the ancient site so as to imbue them with the original's energy patterns, which I also did. I carried them with me on the rest of my journey and just yesterday completed an important light-grid ceremony by sharing the three clay replicas with about 100 Spinner dolphins along with my close friends China and Audrey, the ministers of KA OHANA O NAI'A ~ The Family of the Dolphins. Audrey is a sensitive and was quick to see the significance of the stones and the dolphins confirmed her feelings. Somehow it's all tied in with everything that's going on and with the very seat of our culture in ancient Greece. I have no attachments to exactly what that even means, but feel excited and privileged to be a part of it.
So, after Crete I went to Rhodes and from there back to the mainland of Greece where I spent time in Delphi and then Olympia before returning to Athens to complete the circuit and make my way back here. While in Galaxidi, at Fil d'Ariane, my time with Ariadne Koumari was very special. She's a wonderful woman who holds an anchor point for a huge part of the light gridwork in that part of the globe. Her center is beautifully crafted, very powerful and ideal to provide a hub station for the gridwork alignment. Needless to say, my energy body 'got full to the max,' just as I had hoped for.
(In response to a professional in the human-dolphin interaction field.)
I've been away and have heard very little about the NMFS latest proposal and the responses from the public. It appears as though the situation will still be an issue for some time to come even if such a new regulation is put on the books, because it will be next to impossible to enforce such a law. Be that as it may, I suspect that with all the other 'earth changes' that are coming about in the next 10 to 12 months, humans and dolphins will be a top concern for most spiritually active people. I do know that with the shifts occurring less people will have an opportunity to experience high frequencies, but that those who are aligned with clear intent and an open heart will experience exactly what the need to move through the stress of the uncertain times ahead. I'm optimistic that the added drama will serve to increase awareness on a global basis and assist in the overall evolution of consciousness. In such times of birthing, labor pains are common, I'm afraid. But, we all hold the light and love of a future with unlimited potentials and open gateways to the higher realms. These things have never been intended for the masses even though they have always been available. Only those who've chosen such a path and have done the necessary spiritual work can expect to move beyond the static created by global uncertainty and the last vestiges of an old world order than is disintegrating. Consciousness as pure energy will never be destroyed, however. It will only transform as the light shifts to a different degree. We all signed up for this cycle and I believe we still have personal choice to make our reality whatever we choose no matter what the so called, powers that be, may try to persuade us otherwise.
Aloha Sharon,
Thanks for your compassionate letter and genuine desire to help promote global awareness of the Cetacean Consciousness. You've obviously been moved very deeply by your experiences and I would welcome any input you may provide to help network information to as many areas as possible.John Lilly's dream of having a research facility for interspecies communication never materialized. He had extensive drawings made as well as a list of proposed computer hardware and everything else needed to form this type of facility. All except the funding. It may still become a reality at some future date when our present geopolitical situation shifts a bit farther towards a higher frequency. This is happening even as we speak, so all efforts you may put into informing people in your circle of the incredible way of being and thinking that awaits them if they might choose to open themselves to such a possibility. Like the movie, "Contact," such a shift in perspective seems to happen one person at a time. Perhaps it's because we all carry a unique truth that is ours alone and yet fits perfectly together with all others to form All That Is. The Cetaceans are very aware of our current situation, as are many other sentient races. They are gathering to watch with interest to see if we will make it to higher ground this time around. I'm confident that with people such as yourself, anything is possible. Keep up the good thoughts and generate joy and happiness wherever and whenever you can. It will help support the tremendous change that our current cultural matrix is experiencing and move us more swiftly to that higher ground.
Be Well and Swim Free,
Aloha to Cheryl, Wendy, Bill and Sue,
First of all I want you all to know how much I appreciate your concern for the well being of dolphins and whales.
What can we do for the dolphins and whales? Simple, we can stop thinking of them as dumb "wild animals" that can be enslaved and annihilated at the bidding of humans! How? By educating people on all levels as to the incredible ocean world we all rely upon as sustenance and stop trying to control or manage it with our egos. The dolphins are egoless, and being with them helps some people to feel that way as well. The dolphins and whales know more about our world than we do and after 40+ million years experience as an evolved sentient life form, probably have a few things we can learn about. That's one reason so many more people are becoming fascinated with them and have elevated them in our cultural matrix to such lofted heights on the one hand, while on the other, have tried to wipe their race off the face of the planet in these past 50 or so years. What's up with that? I might ask.
Sue, I know Marsha Green and the incident in question which took place almost two years ago. If you were indeed one of Marsha's assistants up on that hill looking at a swimmer and a dolphin nearly two-thirds of a mile away through a telescope, and then claiming that they were riding the dorsal fin, I will tell you what I told Marsha [who was not there]. That's impossible! I knew the swimmer in question, a woman, not a man, and I know all the circumstances. Marsha was not even there but felt it necessary to support her staff's opinion on what was seen. Soon the rumor was picked up and circulated by two marine science professors on Hilo side and suddenly it became a man holding on to a dorsal fin for ten minutes. Anyone who has ever swum in close proximity with the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins [which Marsha has not] knows that they are far too strong, too fast and too aware to be grabbed and held by any swimmer, including an Australian one.
It is indeed unfortunate that qualified marine professionals make their opinion of such things based upon data gathered only from above the water and fail to recognize what's happening just below the surface. This includes whales, by the way. Scientists using this fragmentary observation method, in over fifty years of concentrated study, have only been able to establish a tiny body of knowledge of the Cetacean race. We know virtually nothing compared to land animals. Most close observations have been based upon captive dolphins and whales and again only scratch the surface of understanding the complex biologic systems and social systems that are a part of the undersea world of cetaceans.
All efforts to introduce sensible guidelines for the management of people and dolphins has been flatly rejected by NMFS. They would have us continue our separation from this exquisite race so the military/industrial complex can continue to assault the ocean and all sea life at will with little knowledge or caring by the public. They have now introduced this further attempt to continue the apathy created from non attachment and ignorance.
Sue, anyone who actually lives in Kona, and not just a visitor from a foreign land, would recognize the small town politics that goes on here just like your own version in Byron Bay is something I know nothing of except that it exists everywhere. You make assumptions based upon what knowledge, what statistics? The newspapers are replete with misinformation on this subject. This is a small rural area that's undergoing a huge economic change at this time. There is a tremendous amount of politicking going on and many people pointing fingers in one direction to draw attention away from what they're doing with their other hand. I've been at all those meetings, both public and private and have never seen your names on the roster, Sue, Wendy or Bill. When we staged a public rally, "Sing for the Whales" last May and volunteers sat for weeks at the local book store to gather over 10,000 letters to oppose LFAS, I didn't see your faces or read your names on the list of those who attended. So, please don't assume you know what's happening within our community here in Kealakekua and who might be getting wealthy on dolphins besides the Hilton. You do not!
Be Well & Swim Free,
Douglas Webster
Cetacean Nation
Big Island ~ Hawaii
Permits Section
Conservation & Education Division
Office of Protected Resources
National Marine Fisheries Service
1315 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910Dear NMFS:
The proposed new regulation that will make it illegal to swim in proximity with free-swimming dolphins in Hawaii, at first glance, looks like an interest in and protection of the Cetaceans in our beautiful waters. There are many more concerns of significant importance, currently under your jurisdiction, much more dangerous and harmful to the cetaceans, that need to be addressed.Of utmost concern to those of us familiar with the Cetaceans, are the current sanctions approved by the NMFS that allow for the massive killing, harassment and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Cetaceans every year. NMFS permits wholesale slaughter by the Tuna Industry. NMFS has sanctioned "takes" of many hundreds of Cetaceans by the US Military in weapons testing and use and subsequent slavery of certain varieties of dolphins being used as actual weaponry. NMFS allows the unbridled onslaught by the Oil industry using piercingly loud seismic equipment (louder than LFAS) and explosives with little or no regard to surrounding sea life. NMFS should examine its own role in these, by far, more critical issues facing Cetaceans and their survival from the unbridled assault by this military/industrial complex.
If the intention truly is to protect the cetaceans, you need to look at the current practices under your jurisdiction. These need to be reviewed immediately and steps need to be taken to cease these horrific sanctions.
I am emphatically opposed to the NMFS proposed regulation to prevent interaction of humans and free-swimming dolphins in US waters. Is it your intention to foster an abomination of personal freedoms held in the highest regard by the United States Constitution? There are far more affective ways that we can combat dolphin abuse than the creation of regulations.
The proposed regulations appear to separate humans from the dolphins/whales. It is my experience that separation breeds apathy and ignorance, paving the way for the cetaceans' continued abuse. I am very concerned and protective of the dolphins. Dolphins and whales are a valued resource of the ocean and our world and have the right to living free of harassment and infringement of their lifestyle. I offer a solution, allowing safe human/dolphin interaction. If the NMFS agency is sincerely interested in addressing the problem, consider some of the following as noteworthy examples of how to enlighten, as opposed to intimidate, potential offenders who may carelessly be placing dolphins at risk:
- Clear and factual information flow through public forums and media.
- Dolphin-swim Certification programs approved by a non-governmental agency such as the Humane Society, the Sierra Club or PADI scuba certification.
- Professional Associations of guides, boat operators and rental companies who can self-regulate such programs.
- Physical outposts distributing real, factual information in problem areas where the public has been shown to be reckless in their interaction with dolphins.
- Promotion of positive information about the nature of dolphins and their behavior that will serve to encourage respect for their environment and domain.
- A public accessible database fully supported with government funding that will act to proliferate positive and factual information rather than the current system of police intimidation being proposed by this NMFS regulation.These are but a few of many constructive ideas that are already available and will serve the greater need for understanding and respect of the Cetacean race by humans and more importantly may help to preserve the most precious resource known to us: Planet Ocean.
Here on the South Kona coast, our community has long suffered from the strife of economic struggle and even more so since the disaster of last September. The majority of our community relies upon the continued interest and patronage of tourists wishing to share in the beauty of our land and oceans and it is well known and accepted that a certain portion of those are being attracted to this area specifically for the opportunity of swimming in proximity with the curious Hawaiian Spinner and Spotted dolphin pods who have been interacting with humans on a regular, safe basis for nearly two decades. As a community we are faced with the critical issue of how to safely manage the human and natural resources for our future well being.
Yes, the increased numbers of these people and their potential impact on the dolphin pods is at issue and can be addressed with positive ways of managing safely this burgeoning interest. If such a thing is made illegal, it will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the already weak economy of our community that has come to rely on the local tourist business, everything from housing and food to every level of retail and tourism, generated by that raising interest. History has shown we can educate the public far more effectively than policing it -- an impossible task given the shear manpower constraints.
I am clearly in favor of achieving a balance to deal with the ever-increasing numbers of tourists wanting to come to this area for this unique experience and preserve the continued safe interaction between curious humans and curious dolphins. I see the dire need to address this consistent trend of interest and guide it in the most sensible, positive ways that provides abundance for the community yet still maintaining safety for the local dolphin pods. Ignorance is the number one danger we face.
This latter position can be attained with clear directives and sound judgment on the part of NMFS. Let the local professionals, those most qualified to make informed decisions and willing to participate in reasonable self-regulatory practices, decide what is the best solution for our unique situation. These known professionals who are sensitive to both the dolphin's concerns and those of people, are already well established in our community, some of them for many, many years, and stand ready to assist in this process if only given the opportunity.
So far, NMFS has rejected, out of hand, any proposed guidelines or practices suggested by these professionals, not only here, but in Florida as well. EDUCATION vs. regulation is my recommendation!
We are committed to creating alternatives to your proposed regulation, and ask that you please consider this education and certified professional supervision course of action as the most viable choice for the sustained well being of our communities of people and dolphins.
There are many, many of us in the community who stand ready to assist in this process, if given the opportunity, and look forward to working with NMFS and local state authorities to institute such programs for the mutual benefit of its citizens and tourists.
D.W. Webster
Captain Cook, HawaiiA citizen for safe and sensible human-dolphin interaction.
Aloha My Brother, John,
Last Thursday the most significant initiation of my life took place.
I had the most amazing energetic/spiritual connection and affirmation with the whales one can ever imagine. Not only did they surround our boat with a complete array of surface actions such as a proliferation of pec slaps, breachings, head lunges, tail flaps, a heat run with three males in hot pursuit of a female with calf and every other physical activity I have ever witnessed in the past, but over the course of several hours, we had no less than four opportunities to discreetly look into the water and have eye to eye contact and communication with three different sets of mother, calf and escorts. They had all come to see us!
It is the most, the most profound event of my life, my friend, and continues to influence my every thought and action as the information provided to me with such a burst of energy has now completely blown open all my chakras to the extent that I no longer even attempt to contain it, but have adapted by allowing the incredible Chi to flow like a raging river of light through my being. I have subsequently been shown visions of our ancient, ancient beginnings as a species, as the 'Human Experiment' that was brought to this planet eons ago and has been hosted by the Cetaceans for countless millenia. I have been shown how our species had lost it's connection to the Gaia Spirit and thus feel this complete separation from the rest of life on this planet and because of this a profound sadness and grief that was grown like a cancer within the consciousness of humanity, it has stunted our ability to recognize the simplest Truth of All: we are all part of the One.
The Cetaceans hold such a deep, deep compassion for us that I weep uncontrollably just to think of it. They understand how tragic and difficult our task of living has become as we further separate ourselves from the Source of All There Is, and continue on our path of self destruction brought on by our sense of abandonment and isolation from Spirit. All current political/religious systems on our planet are purveyors of this tragic condition and because of this fear leading to frustration leading to anger leading to outrage and desperation, we are facing yet again, the utter annihilation of our species on a planetary scale. It is not the first time this has happened in this Human Experiment. It may well be the last opportunity before the whole project is scraped!
My attempt to gather elements of our community together to organize any kind of information, letter-writing campaign for a March 15 launch date, has been met with all kinds of resistance and distractions for much of the same reasons stated above. I sense that such a concept as our real connection to Spirit is limited to those who've prepared themselves with conscious work to remove such blocks from our cultural programming matrix and gain the ability to look at our condition full on with open hearts. So very few are willing to even attempt to go there that I am asking myself why I am being singled out to try and do what so many have failed to do in the past. I know in my heart that there is no other choice for me except to focus on this simple, yet powerful truth of who we really are. It is all that is left for me to retain my own connection to the integrity of my soul.
3.06.02 (Was published as "Viewpoint" article on 4.16.02)
Letter to the Editor of West Hawaii Today:
MISINFORMATION IS RAMPANT WITH DOLPHIN/HUMAN ISSUE ARTICLESAloha Reed, (This is long, but humbly presented for your edification)
Last May I congratulated West Hawaii Today on their fine role in bringing to light more of the actual facts relevant to LFAS testing and its worldwide deployment by the US Navy. Through these fine efforts and many others who worked to bring a cognitive level of truth to this reckless technology, that has now been shown to be lethal to whales, we have been rewarded for our efforts [such as the Concert: "Sing For the Whales" a letter-writing rally at the Aloha Theater, May 16, 2001, that I was proud to help organize and that collectively yielded well over 10,000 letters of opposition], by preventing the NMFS from granting such a permit for deployment -- at least for the time being. We are now seeing where the military wishes to bypass all environmental protection laws in their unbridled pursuit of the rather nebulous goal of "national security." An absurd proposition when a box-cutter has been shown as the level of threat to such a concept. But, I digress.
The current and still vital issue for the Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) world wide is the total annihilation by humans on a massive scale, such as the whaling and tuna industry that continues to kill hundreds and thousands of whales and dolphins per year with total sanction by NMFS and the United States. Confirmed scientific reports have shown the reduction of stocks of Spinner and Spotted dolphins in the South Pacific region have been reduced by as much as 60% in past two decades alone! (Discovery Network: "The Ultimate World of Dolphins" c.2000) Is it any wonder why we are seeing less and less dolphins off our shores here in Hawaii? And this leads me to my point.
Now, NMFS, the same agency that has granted the Tuna industry the right to kill up to 100,000 dolphins per year and still maintain the "dolphin safe" label for their cans; who has granted the US Military the right to "take" a lucrative number (Hundreds) of Cetaceans, either as collaterally damaged casualties of weapons testing and use, or captive slaves used as actual weaponry; and who has permitted the oil industry to banter around at will just off the shores of the US and use piercingly loud seismic testing equipment (much louder than LFAS) and explosives to intrude anywhere they can find an oil deposit, with little or no regard to surrounding sea life, to now tell us that they are gravely concerned about the well being of a relatively handful of dolphin pods off the shores of Florida and Hawaii and their possible harassment by the growing interest from humans who are wanting to have interaction from dolphins who have shown themselves to be just as curious about us. This is patently absurd!
While there are countless stories of people having a positive experiences from their encounters with free swimming dolphins, the NMFS agency chooses to focus all their attention on the few isolated cases where stupid humans, those uninformed or just intoxicated at Spring Break, have done something that has put a dolphin at risk. Here on a local level, they have invested $1million to beef up 'law enforcement' to monitor the behavior of humans to see if harassment is taking place. This instead of putting it into such things as informational programing or some other positive awareness campaign that would enlighten rather than intimidate potential offenders.
Although I respect Bobby Command's ability as a reporter attempting to find the broadest understanding of the current community issue of dophin/human interaction, his articles have been wrought with misinformation and cow-towing to the dictates of NMFS and those of individuals with known vested self-interests in the potential outcomes of this sensitive issue.
The most blatant offense is his reference that there is ALREADY some regulation on the books, such as the one with the endangered Humpback whales about minimum distance of 100 yards, that pronounces swimming with dolphins or being within this (NMFS) suggested 50 yard limit, to be illegal. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO SWIM IN PROXIMITY WITH DOLPHINS! IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO BE WITHIN 50 YARDS OF DOLPHINS! Why must we be subjected to such misinformation? There's more.
In a study released last year it was shown that those programs using captive dolphins as assisted therapy to patients with Downs Syndrome, Depression and other ailments, were no more affective than the use of dogs and cats in hospitals to boost the moral of patients -- which had already been shown beneficial and now widely used. In other words, dolphins cannot produce miracles any more than dogs and cats, but still have been shown to have a very positive affect upon people. Nowhere does this study mention anything about free-swimming dolphin programs, nor does it suggest that such DAT programs are taking advantage of hopeful patients with false claims of any cure. This "spin" was used by the enforcement officer as part of his intimidation speech delivered at last months public meeting. This too is a blatant misuse of information. There even more, but I will spare you a diatribe.
I believe the real issue here has been clouded from the start. The US government is about to step all over our personal freedoms once again and continue to do the same and worse to that brilliant and sublime race of sentient beings, the Cetaceans. If we truly care about our relationship with this wonderful species, we should encourage EDUCATION instead of regulation for safe and meaningful ways for interaction to take place that do not put dolphins at risk. Yes, as humans we stand to gain a great deal from our aquatic cousins who have had over 40 million years of evolution and had lived in perfect harmony with their environment until we came along. If we stop and listen long enough and with clear intent, we might gain some real respect for their realm, and perhaps even a reason to stop our reckless assault upon the most precious life giving resource known to us:
Planet Ocean!Sincerely,
Douglas Webster,
Hi Larry,
My trip with Joan to the whales in the Dominican Republic was an incredible journey [to say the least], that will take me some time to fully process as I went from there directly to visit my mother and sister in Florida (Disney World), and so, had to put any deep reflections on hold. This past weekend was full of interesting moments and downloads as I recalled my experiences of swimming eye to eye with a mother and calf to friends within the 'Dolphinville' community. That quintessential moment of floating face to face with the two of them for what seemed an incalculable amount of time, is still burning a hole directly to my core essence. I'll never forget it even though it defies description in any physical sense. It touches to a source beyond such limits of Time and Space. I'll be able to speak of it in degrees as it settles in, I suppose. There were other moments as well, but none of such magnitude.As part of the resonance of that experience I have been getting some very powerful 'hits' about the current NMFS debacle that further assaults the personal freedoms of not only humans, but cetaceans as well.
This morning, for example, as I lay in my bed on the lanai listening to dawn birds bring in the day, it occurred to me that the only way to possibly deal with such a power as the miltary/industrial complex, one must use one of the oldest self defense technique known. That is the manipulation of the Chi so as to direct the power back upon itself. In this case, the 'soft spot' of the beast is at its very epicenter. The heavily guarded and completely shrouded concept of "Freedom of the People" is that spot. In our case we also have the freedom of the dolphins [whales] at stake. The larger scenario shows how this military/industrial complex seems to have made a concerted effort in these past 50+ years to totally wipe out the Cetacean race on this planet. The reason is unclear but may just now be revealing itself as part of the greater battle for consciousness on this plane of existence -- but that's another story. That effort continues today with the modern threats of weapons and technology that creates and pours even more sonic assault and pollution into the most vital aspect of the biosphere: the Ocean and it's most sublime sovereign residents, the Cetaceans.
So, my thinking is this. We should use what little time is left between now and April Fool's Day (somebody in the planning office is having a good time) to organize and launch a letter writing campaign that will attempt to do what our efforts for LFAS did in staving off the permit to the navy. This issue of our personal freedom is the keynote to rally signatures from those who are not already aware of the human/cetacean connection that exists, but are subliminally ready to accept it as noted by all the media programing that has slipped through into the mainstream: i.e. the recent Yahoo.com spot with a talking dolphin and last year's movie, Castaway with America's sweetheart actor, Tom Hanks. I see other TV spots with whales and dolphins all the time. It's already out there, Larry, all we have to do is connect the dots!
Hi Ken,
Part of me is still trying to get my footing here on Hawaii while some aspect is still right there, staring into the eye of that mom and baby. My energy is exceptionally high and the degree of synchronicity is currently phenomenal. I've tapped into certain telempathic abilities as well, and at times feel I'm channeling a download directly from the Akashic Record of the Imagined Illusion...and all because of your Atlas adjustment! Wow!! :o)
Many things are speeding up right now. For me personally as well. So, I'm trying getting my footing on the "wave" of active energy and maybe surf it! Timing is everything, as they say. Right now, Time itself is undergoing a major assault, if you will, and collective consciousness is starting to shred under the strain of outmoded linear processors trying to deal with the new sensibility. We need a new language, a new approach, a new non-methodology for accessing this next level of evolution for humans. The one generated from the HeartBrain, I believe, is a key element in this new understanding. That's the one I get from the dolphins and whales.